We can all agree that good marketing is essential, as you need to make consumers aware that your products and services exist in order for them to start engaging with your brand.
However, this also happens to be one of the most costly elements for which many smaller or start-up companies just do not have the budget.
Over the next few months I am going to be focusing on tips that will help you, not only save costs by using free marketing tools, but also give you ideas on how to use them effectively.
First up is Twitter as a marketing tool
When used properly Twitter can really do amazing things for your business, but you must always bear in mind that the slightest mistake on this powerful social medium can also be to your brand’s detriment.
Don’t write an essay
When it comes to composing tweets, even though you have 140 characters, try and keep it to at least 120 characters. This will leave enough space for anyone who would like to retweet it with a comment, to do so. If you go over 140 characters or are tempted to rather write multiple tweets this is an indication that you should rather write a blog post.
When composing tweets, even though you have 140 characters, try and keep it to at least 120 characters. This will leave enough space for someone to retweet it with a comment
Credit the creator
Retweeting is vital as it shows that you are engaging with your community of followers and the “twitterverse” in general. However it becomes a problem when brand’s steal tweets.
So make sure that whenever you see a tweet you can’t resist retweeting you have to make sure you credit the creator. You can do this by using the retweet function that includes the creator handle or by commenting and including the creator’s handle.
Using hashtags can be really helpful. They can create a conversation, collate tweets and help you track your interactions. Some advice I can give you here though is that, before you decide on a hashtag, search it on Twitter first. This will ensure that you don’t get sucked into a conversation that has no relevance to you and your brand.
Business vs. personal
If you are managing both your personal and business accounts, try separating them into different applications like TweetDeck and the Twitter app. With this you will ensure that your business account does not get a tweet about how much you love your new puppy.
Double check
Actually this one should be triple check! The worst thing you could possibly do for your business is tweet with grammatical and spelling errors. Make sure that you always triple check every single one of your tweets before you commit to posting it.